云书斋 -精通 CSS(第3版)
本书资料更新时间:2025-01-20 16:00:55

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精通 CSS(第3版)书籍详细信息

  • ISBN:9787115506900
  • 作者:暂无作者
  • 出版社:暂无出版社
  • 出版时间:2019-2
  • 页数:388
  • 价格:99
  • 纸张:暂无纸张
  • 装帧:暂无装帧
  • 开本:暂无开本
  • 语言:未知
  • 丛书:暂无丛书
  • TAG:暂无
  • 豆瓣评分:暂无豆瓣评分
  • 豆瓣短评:点击查看
  • 豆瓣讨论:点击查看
  • 豆瓣目录:点击查看
  • 读书笔记:点击查看
  • 原文摘录:点击查看
  • 更新时间:2025-01-20 16:00:55






安迪•巴德(Andy Budd)


埃米尔•比约克隆德(Emil Björklund)










Meaningful markup provides the developer with several important benefits. Meaningful pages are much easier to work with than presentational ones. For example, say you need to change a quotation on a page. If the quotation is marked up correctly, it is easy to scan through the code until you find the first blockquote element. However, if the quotation is just another paragraph element, it will be a lot harder to find. For a more complicated, but no less realistic example, say that you needed to add an extra column to your homepage. You could simply drop the content in at the right point and then update the widths in your CSS. To do the same in a table-based layout you’d need to add an extra column in your table, change the colspan settings, alter the widths on all the cells, and change the ...

When naming your IDs and classes, it is important that you keep the names as “unpresentational” as possible. For instance, if you want all of your form notification messages to be red, you could give them a class of red. This is fine as long as there are no other red elements on the page.

However, say you wanted to style required form labels red as well. You are now forced to guess to which element that class could refer, and things are already starting to get confusing. Imagine how confusing the code could become if you used presentational elements across the whole site?

This gets even more complicated if you decide to change the presentation of your form notifications from red to yellow. Now, you either have to go back and change all your class names, or you have an element called red th...

At the same time, they can be overused and even abused. Novice CSS authors often add classes to nearly everything in an attempt to get fine-grained control over their styles. Early WYSIWYG editors also had the tendency to add classes each time a style was applied. Many developers picked up this bad habit when using generated code to learn CSS. This affliction is described as classitis and is, in some

respects, as bad as using table-based layout because it adds meaningless code to your document.

In the preceding example, each element is identified as being part of a news story by using an individual news-related class name. This has been done to allow news headlines and text to be styled differently from the rest of the page. However, you don’t need all these extra classes to target each individual element. Instead, you can identify the whole block as a news item by wrapping it in a div (code) with a class name of news. You can then target news headlines or text by simply using the cascade.





  • 故事情节:6分

  • 人物塑造:7分

  • 主题深度:8分

  • 文字风格:9分

  • 语言运用:7分

  • 文笔流畅:3分

  • 思想传递:9分

  • 知识深度:7分

  • 知识广度:3分

  • 实用性:8分

  • 章节划分:9分

  • 结构布局:9分

  • 新颖与独特:6分

  • 情感共鸣:7分

  • 引人入胜:8分

  • 现实相关:9分

  • 沉浸感:6分

  • 事实准确性:7分

  • 文化贡献:3分


  • 书籍多样性:4分

  • 书籍信息完全性:4分

  • 网站更新速度:7分

  • 使用便利性:6分

  • 书籍清晰度:5分

  • 书籍格式兼容性:9分

  • 是否包含广告:3分

  • 加载速度:4分

  • 安全性:4分

  • 稳定性:5分

  • 搜索功能:4分

  • 下载便捷性:3分


  • 盗版少(257+)
  • 差评(314+)
  • 在线转格式(530+)
  • 快捷(551+)
  • 体验差(346+)
  • 体验满分(570+)
  • 赞(109+)
  • 书籍多(60+)
  • 图文清晰(183+)


  • 网友 冯***丽: ( 2024-12-27 22:49:24 )


  • 网友 谢***灵: ( 2025-01-19 12:41:18 )


  • 网友 宓***莉: ( 2025-01-10 06:14:03 )


  • 网友 辛***玮: ( 2024-12-26 14:44:56 )

    页面不错 整体风格喜欢

  • 网友 晏***媛: ( 2024-12-25 23:03:55 )


  • 网友 后***之: ( 2025-01-08 13:24:20 )

    强烈推荐!无论下载速度还是书籍内容都没话说 真的很良心!

  • 网友 步***青: ( 2025-01-03 03:33:29 )


  • 网友 濮***彤: ( 2025-01-02 23:55:54 )


  • 网友 陈***秋: ( 2025-01-13 08:47:19 )


  • 网友 戈***玉: ( 2024-12-27 19:58:37 )


  • 网友 师***怀: ( 2025-01-11 14:56:35 )

